I worked as a programmer on medical software for 6 years, where I gained a strong background in software development. When a bug could negatively impact the health of a patient, it really impresses upon you the importance of attention to detail, testing, and writing bug-free, supportable, and well-documented code.
Since joining JAX in June of 2017, I have mostly been working on the Mouse Phenome Database (MPD) website, and as the primary developer on the data intake and curation website, Study Intake Platform (SIP). I am a full stack developer, working on user interfaces (including data visualizations and data entry forms), backend RESTful APIs, database maintenance and migrations, VM server management, and migrations to cloud-hosted environments. My primary development tools: Languages – Python, JavaScript, Typescript; Web development – Flask, Flask-RESTX, Angular; Visualization - D3 & Highcharts; Database – PostgreSQL; Cloud – GCP.