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Broad phenotypic characterization of emerging mouse models will add important value and greatly enhance their utility to the scientific community. The extensive library of single-gene knockout strains generated through the KOMP program will become significantly more valuable with comprehensive assessments of the functional consequences of removing one gene.
Effective high-throughput mouse phenotyping is therefore critically important to establish baseline genotype/phenotype understanding for functional analysis of the KOMP resource. The Jackson Laboratory KOMP Phenotyping Center provides a powerful and efficient phenotyping pipeline to assess the physiological, behavioral and morphological effects of eliminating a single gene.
The JAX KOMP Phenotyping Center will:
Phenotyping pipeline design
The JAX KOMP2 pipeline design is based upon previous large-scale, high-throughput phenotyping programs carried out at The Jackson Laboratory, selecting from them the most successful and high-throughput procedures. We have also integrated global recommendations of theInternational Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC), which identified important parameters that will collectively summarize the consequences of removing the function of a single gene in the context of the whole animal. The pipeline also includes additional disease-relevant phenotypes based on proven protocols and expertise from additional internal and external investigators that comprise our panel of JAX KOMP2 Domain Experts.